Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Consumer Behavior In The Fashion Industry Essay Example for Free
Consumer Behavior In The Fashion Industry EssayIntroduction This theater of operations is aimed at analyzing the consumer behavior towards the behavior intentness especially in rumination fresh and farm women in London. Fashions atomic number 18 concerned with the crossingion of fashion clothing. closely consumers in the world today argon concerned with the features of the product as they form swell-nigh Coperni sens compute in determining the consumer behaviors. Take for drill of products of fashion show for young and mature women. The assiduity is shootd in the manufacture clothing. Due to increase and growth of consumerism, the clothing should come up with habiliments that seduce women move with periods thus increasing usage and production. Consumer behavior in the automotive industry especially in consideration to general motors is enamourd by culture factors, social factors, Personal factors and Psychological factors. see to it morethe consumer buy un conscious process begins when essayRESEARCH OBJECTIVESThe answers to this question depart enhance my professional cognition and competence in m whatsoever ways. As a professional I pass on understand factors influencing purpose in the industry and go forth enable me make recommendations on improving the fashions market sh ar.The answers to this question also go away assist me as a professional by motivating me to ensure that that I scat improves their products.1)To review books on fashion behaviour and the factors influencing2)To comp ar and contrast the purchasing behaviour of mature and young woman in London regarding purchase of fashion clothing3)To identified the key factors influencing the buying process of fashion clothing in young and mature woman in London4)To contribute recommendation to manufacture of fashion clothing and fashion retailer.Scope of the gitvasThe scoop of the muse follows literature review of factors influencing. The queryer manages the entir e gamut of processes from initial stage of identifying the problem to final stage of report writing. The capabilities necessary by the investigateer in this research in managing the entire throw up and providing real time for information sharing, decisiveness synchronization and research optimization to all stake holders. What are necessary attribute call for by a researcher to manage the dynamics of marketing based on the requirements by industry. However, this study assumes that other factors desire family background financial, stability of the family place of birth, race, let no impact on the consumer behaviors.The proposed study bequeath be used as a supplementary framework to focus entirely on the competence of the research. The objects of the study depart includeExperimentalCorrelationSurveyGrounded possibilityEthnography news reportMixed methodAction research.This study will be based on a process based on experiment using practicals as a platform to wear out method which will be used as evaluation criteria for the research and researcher in this research question and future researchersThe critical reviewLiterature reviewConsumer behavior in the employment of any product any where in the world is mildewd by culture factors, social factors, Personal factors and Psychological factors. farming factorsIn world today culture is cardinal of the most(prenominal) fundamental determinants for one when deciding the product to consume. This is because of a wide range of products and services. intimately of the people due to their cultural influence pay off started preferring sealed products. Children growing up will learn the culture of parents or peers thus preferring specific value that are crucial to a determining drug addiction. One of the value they comparable most is comfort. These values common in children remain in them even if they grow up.From the culture, nearbody may develop certain spending patterns is non something strange. A c hild growing up in specific culture is exposed to achievement, success, beliefs and other cultural factors that influence behavior towards consumption.Cultural factors real influence a consumer behavior. Where people believe in values like efficiency and practicality it will influence their consumption is such a situation products that are cognise to be actually efficient in their operations will be preferred.Each culture consists of small subcultures that provide more specific identifications. To its some people consist of racial conferences such as the Africans, Americans, Europeans and Asiatic each have good distinct cultural styles. They are known to prefer products for example consumption of pork may be rare in middle east because culture and religion.Social factorAnother factors consumer behavior is greatly influenced by social factors like statuses, family and reference groups. When once goes to the market to secure a product he will take consideration to his membership groups, social elucidate and family. These are groups having direct influence to once buying decisions. These are the groups one associates with most of his time.We have some groups like the upper discriminate prefer buying some products which are not preferred by turn down class. Since companies produces many flakes of products that fulfill desires this groups and attracts many people. The influence of a family is very great. These families using specifics brands greatly make headway their family members to also consume similar products. Co-worker also influence ones buying decision. If a boss buys a given commodity the juniors will also try to buy the same. great deal are also influenced by reference groups in three ways. Reference groups usually expose a somebody to a new behavior and lifestyle. One can belong to a group whose lifestyle believes at consuming a certain product. If a company produces high quality brands it stands at a break in chance of making more sales t o such reference group. Reference groups also influence ones attitudes because their desires fit in these groups.People may prefer some products from a certain company, whence once could like to join his friend or family member towards belonging to the same social class by buying a that product. Also reference groups influence similarity and conformity that may make a person to alive at a specific decision. So doing one will in the end buy a product similar to that of his friend.People who are in the same social class share similar values, interests, and behavior. For example there is upper class people who are social elect with a good family background.Personal factorsAge and life cycle stage greatly influence consumer buying behavior of almost all products from all industries. Most Bachelors tend to prefer specific brands associated by most youths. But those who are newly married, young and better of financially prefer buying consume contrasting products.In making the final de cision of buying a product ones personalised characteristics like his age and life-cycle stage, lifestyle, occupation, economic circumstances and personality will influence his choice. Companies take much consideration to personal characteristics of various groups of people before coming up with a product in locate to meet the needs and demand of its people.A child growing up and exposed to some values like material comfort, external comfort and achievement and success will be influenced by those characteristics to consume.For example in America people like buying products that gives them external comfort.People in various professions like occupation managers, school heads, senior government officers, mayors, engineers, lawyers and physicians usually buy some products with the most recent technology.stinting circumstances also influence once buying pattern. Most people especially those who are super paid with good saving and with good personnel incomes buy expensive products.The lifestyle of a person influences his or her buying pattern. People may belong to the same occupation, social class and subculture but leaders assorted lifestyles usually prefer products that feed that group.Personality and self- apprehension Personality and self confidence also influence consumers buying behavior products and services. For example expensive car, which are electronically controlled and having four wheel drive systems are associated with people who have high Self-confidencePsychological factorsMotivation some people astonish meet when they buy specific products. people feel that they have satisfied specific needs by buying certain goods and services.Perception once a person has been motivated he is willing and ready to act. Most people to be motivated in order to act will depend mostly on their perceptions of the situation. Two people in the same motivated state may act differently depending on how they perceive the situation. A product may appeal to the percepti on of a specific customer. For example various colors that cars are attractive giving customers a good picture of the real quality of this car.Beliefs and attitudes most people follow some set of belief when making a decision on the type of product to consumer.A belief about a certain product will also influence consumption. These beliefs make up brand images and most people have been proved to act on these images.People always have good attitude towards specific products and if this product meets the performance according to the needs, desire and attitudes consumption will be influenced.METHODOLOGYThe purpose of the study is to find out factors that influence fashion consumption in UK. The phenomenological research devise that will be used will involve a study of the consumer behaviors and consumption in fashion industry. This feature study will be make in both courses where the stolon phase will involve completion of a questionnaire which is commonly known as a questionnaire survey by individuals. This questionnaire survey will be done on a sample of 20 fashion show owners at bottom London . And the second phase will involve the use of some interview which will be in some way semi structured. Each given phase in this fig will address the different research questions and their concerns. At some point within the first phase, there will be cases of the first qualitative phase relying on the some three-figure phases that might have been in use in the design.The interviews that will be used in the design will be carried out in a sample of twenty fashion show owners. The interviews will serve to give out development concerning buying behaviors among women. These surveys will therefore give some contextual information about the consumption of a specific fashion. Some studies will be conducted using individual stage designs and others like this one will be conducted using the two-stage design. When using the two stage design, the contextualization that w ill be given in the first stage will be very much subservient (Jasper, 1994).The survey will provide a specific frame for which sampling will be done from for the semi structured interviews that will be done on the fashion operators and buyers. And gaining access to the twenty fashion owners will be very essential to getting the right information concerning the consumption of fashion among young and mature women from the sampled group of a given part of city which will be a model of the whole population of the young and mature.The given questionnaires will have the contacts so that the used sample can be contacted incase more information will be needed. The quantitative data that will be gotten from the phase of questionnaire survey will now be used to get through to the qualitative sample. The questionnaire surveys have always been made with the above additional purpose in mind.In the cases where one researcher will have to make attachments of qualitative sub samples to samples that will be statistically derived will lead to another(prenominal) mixed method of designs in qualitative research methods (George, 2000). Such mixed methods of designs will most of the time benefit the qualitative researchers in that they give them the chance to have a selection of the specific cases from which they will be able to draw upon information that will be contextual that will also enable them to put their hypothesis under test on a large samples that will be statistically be represented.Therefore in most cases, the researcher will have to be decided on which research design he will use in his scheme. Some researchers do use sevenfold designs while others will use single designs. This purely depends on the project that one is doing and which research design the researcher will be most comfortable with.There are three major components in a research design model and they are determination of the limits of the people to be investigated and also what will be investigated, the collection of data and the last component is the analysis of the collected data in a phenomenological manner. In the first component, the researcher will have to know to what limits the histrions in the survey will get in trying to give him the required information.Here the researcher will have to put in mind the limits of the twenty fashion owners in trying to give him information as far as matters of fashion consumption. In addition, the researcher will have to have specific issues which he would want to research on (Joan, 2004). At this point in time, the researcher will have to carry out his project purely on the safety of the crane operators. In trying to get information, the phenomenologist will have to accept himself in an in-depth probing so that quality information may be found.After identifying the sample group that will help in giving the required information, the following step will now involve identifying the most efficient data collection methods. The following m ethods will be the most preferred methods for this particular survey the in-depth semi structured interviews that will have to be tape recorded and later on be transcribed.The second data collection method will be the use of a documentary study from which the writings of the subject matter will have to be reviewed so that their meanings can be properly derived from them. This second method will be used knock over in hand with the first method (Johnson, 2000). The third and the last data collection method will be the technique of the participant observation. This particular technique will lead to a generation of some kind of an interview. It will be worth noting that in phenomenological research tape recording is important because the tapes will later be transcribed. taste designs strategies in qualitative research.There are many different qualitative sampling designs that will be used at the different stages of the research or still they will be used for the different purposes of t he research. There are those questions that the researchers should constantly be asking themselves which will serve to give relevant information on the sampling strategy design that the researcher would have chosen to use.It will be very crucial for the researcher to give a clear definition of the objectives of the research. The time that will be pass making clarification with the client will be a time that will be well spent (Kendy, 19976). Most of the times, in qualitative research, the objectives of the project might be refined as the research will keep on progressing.Sometimes the available resources will try to undermine the progress of a researchers project. This should be prevented to happen by considering the available human resources to the project at hand and also the nature of the method of data collection.The length of interview that is the qualitative interview will have a great impact on the qualitative sampling design strategy and the final decision of the given samp le size. For instance longer interviews will provide detailed data than shorter interviews. With this in mind a decision may be taken on whether to carry out longer or shorter interviews.The sampling size should also be put in mind. This will basically depend on the homogeneous or the heterogeneous nature of the population to be sampled and the requirements of the methods of the data collection that will be employed in this research.Data analysisAfter the researcher will collect the data, she/he will tabulate the data into tables and analyze it using frequencies descriptive and percentages.The bear on of the survey results.The processing of the survey results need not to wait until has been completed, but can begin as soon as the first questionnaires are received. The main steps areCoding. Nowadays the computer is used widely to process information. For that reason it is very much advisable to code the information or even use a preceded questionnaire to facilitate the necessary pr ocessing and calculations.Punching. Subsequently the information can be punched for computer purposes.Data tabulation. With the aid of a computer, raw tables may be compiled. 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